How to make the upcoming year your best one yet!

Turning Over a N.E.W. Leaf in 2020

As 2019 comes to an end, it’s important to start thinking about making 2020 your best year yet. With the pressure of the holidays over and the promise of a new decade at the forefront of your mind, it’s time to turn over a new leaf by learning more about Dr. Q and his N.E.W. Fit Program. It could be the greatest transformation you’ve ever experienced in your life.

What Happens When You Participate in the Program?

To better understand what the program entails, it’s essential to know what tools and benefits it provides. You’ll know exactly what you’re signing up for thanks to your consultation with Dr. Q. He’ll go over all of the things you need to know about becoming a happier, healthier version of yourself.

The five things that Dr. Q’s N.E.W. Fit Program provides are:

  1. Permanent weight loss. If you’re tired of yo-yo dieting, it’s time to make big changes in the way you approach fitness. With Dr. Q’s guidance, you’ll be able to say goodbye to stubborn pounds for good without deprivation. Mealtime won’t feel like a chore. Instead, it will be something that you look forward to because you know it assists you on your journey to becoming fit.
  2. A low-glycemic, high protein, ketogenic diet. Q’s method works. He’ll teach you which foods work best for your body, so you know how to use them as a tool to lose weight. You’ll feel fuller longer and not be void of the vitamins, minerals, and nutrients that your body needs to be healthy.
  3. Proven results. Once you’ve changed your thoughts and behaviors around diet and fitness, you’ll have no problem losing the weight for good. The plan that you follow won’t be restrictive or feel like punishment. It becomes a natural way for you to live your life, happily and healthily.
  4. Over twenty years of experience helping people achieve their ideal weight. Q has made this his life’s work. He can help you change your life for the better. Allow his knowledge and expertise to guide your decisions from now into the future.
  5. Identified preferred patterns of eating and exercising. The doctor knows that everyone is different. Not everyone’s nutritional needs are the same. That’s why he works with you to develop a personalized plan for you. He also helps you discover the right patterns that make you successful, as well as put you into contact with someone who can assist you with creating an exercise program you’ll commit to.

There are many wonderful insights to take away from learning how the N.E.W. Fit Program works. 2020 is the year to make big things happen. It’s time for you to lose that stubborn weight once and for all.

You’ve still got time to meet with Dr. Quebbemann before the new year begins. Contacting him to set up a consultation is among the greatest gifts you can give yourself this decade. It allows you to learn a better way of living by eating right and exercising in a way that you enjoy.

Want to learn more? Get Dr. Quebbemann’s latest books, available on Amazon:

Learn which S.L.I.M.M.S. Procedure is Right for You!

Lap-Band systems develop significant complications in a large percentage of Band patients over time. The most common complications are lack of desired weight loss and weight regain. Patients will often find that they achieve more weight loss, and keep the weight off more easily, if they are
converted to an alternative procedure such as the Gastric Sleeve or Gastric

Other complications include Lap-Band Slip, Lap-Band Erosion, Intestinal Obstruction, Esophageal Dilation and Catheter Fracture. All these complications require surgery to repair and Dr. Quebbemann believes that it is usually best to remove the band and convert to an alternative weight loss procedure. These same complications also occur after the “Band-over-Bypass” procedure.


Physicians are alerted to the possibility of complications by patients experiencing symptoms and bringing them to our attention. Many patients will experience severe heartburn, intermittent abdominal pain, vomiting or other symptoms.

However, severe complications can occur without symptoms until emergency surgery is needed. Dr. Quebbemann stopped performing the Lap-Band procedure due to the higher incidence of complications, and all Band patients are strongly encouraged to follow up with a bariatric surgeon annually.

To schedule a consultation with Dr. Quebbemann and The N.E.W. Program contact our office.

Want to learn more? Get Dr. Quebbemann’s latest books, available on Amazon:

Learn which S.L.I.M.M.S. Procedure is Right for You!

Many people resolve to lose weight, get fit, and feel healthier. If good health and mental well-being are things that you want to prioritize in 2020, you’re in luck. Dr. Q’s N.E.W. Fit Program helps you make changes in your life that benefit you physically, emotionally, mentally, socially, and financially.

Explaining the program in detail helps you make a lifechanging decision that you only wish you would have made sooner. There are many advantages to being a part of Dr. Q’s community of patients who want to live a happier, healthier life in 2020.

What the N.E.W. Fit Program Has to Offer You in 2020.

Self-starter diets can be challenging to maintain. You typically go off the guidance of a person who isn’t qualified to give you medical advice. Some of the methods that they suggest for losing weight are borderline dangerous and detrimental to your health.

Even if a diet has positive results, you may grow tired of following it because you don’t have a strong support system in place. With the N.E.W. Fit Program, Dr. Q discusses the reason behind your desire to diet.

He helps you come up with a target goal to reach as well as start and end dates to follow. That way, you’re able to take accountability for your goals. With every visit you make to Dr. Q, you’ll be weighed and measured to see how close you are to achieving your dream weight.

The doctor also focuses on diet and exercise as it pertains to your needs as an individual. You see, not everyone has the same body composition, genetics, and lifestyle as you. To prescribe a one-size-fits-all diet to you would be reckless and detrimental to your success.

Instead, he helps you determine which healthy eating pattern to engage in and where your baseline of fitness exists. That way, you can continue to do the things that have shown you the greatest success the longest. You’ll be healthier than you’ve ever been because of your decision to meet with Dr. Q and follow his advice.

If you’re ready for a fresh start, you’ll get one with Dr. Q’s guidance. The N.E.W. Fit Program changes the way you eat permanently. It’s not a fad diet that you discard in favor of another. It’s unique, personal, and beneficial.

Transform Your Life Through Action and Commitment

Dr. Q wants to encourage you to break out of your normal and embrace the N.E.W. fit life awaiting you. To learn more about his incredibly successful weight loss program, call 949-722-7662 or email A new year, a new decade, and new you offers plenty to get excited about. Make 2020 a time for growth and positive changes.

Don’t let the opportunity to change your life pass you by. You’ve got options, and they start by contacting Dr. Q before the new year begins. You can easily change the way you approach diet and exercise by focusing on being fit the healthiest way you know how.

Want to learn more? Get Dr. Quebbemann’s latest books, available on Amazon:

Learn which S.L.I.M.M.S. Procedure is Right for You!

Dr. Oz is right, and so is Mark Wahlberg, sort of.

Just recently, Dr. Mehmet Oz, better known as Dr. Oz. made a statement that people should “cancel” breakfast. He justifies this by saying people should eat only when they’re hungry. Mark Wahlberg, of Wahlberg body fame (the actor), immediately came out saying that Dr. Oz was dead wrong. The two are locked in an argument over this issue, and apparently are going to do some physical training together and sort things out.


This is a soundbite problem

Unfortunately, this is a “soundbite problem” more than a scientific disagreement.  Dr. Oz made his statement in a way that would shock the thought process of as many folks as possible into considering the importance of breakfast in terms of hunger, metabolism, and what a breakfast consists of. The fact is, he did not say “You shall not eat breakfast!” and I am quite certain he does not mean to say that. What he did say is that people should not assume that they should pound down a large amount of food in the morning thinking there is something magical about eating a big breakfast. What he did say was that people should eat when they’re hungry.

Couple having healthy breakfast in modern restaurant. People eating out together

In our modern society, with food available at virtually every street corner, there are so many signals to eat that we are being told to eat all the time. The knee-jerk reaction to eat whenever it crosses our mind is likely a major cause of the obesity epidemic that is threatening to undermine the health, and the economy, of every developed country in the world. Dr. Oz is right on to throw out a warning that people need to think about whether they truly need to eat rather than just following some formula on food and eating that may not apply to them at all.

However, Mr. Wahlberg is also correct. Mark Wahlberg is an extremely fit man. He works out a lot and maintains a level of physical fitness that is unattainable for most people. In maintaining his muscle mass, his exercise regimen and his level of fitness, he needs to consume significantly more calories than an average person does on a regular basis. Mark Wahlberg is a professional athlete; his movies often involve him performing amazingly difficult physical activities, and he gets paid a lot to do so. As a professional athlete, his daily eating regimen and caloric needs will be different than the average American.

So, how do you resolve this issue? How do you decide what to do about breakfast?

The answer is, you take away the true meaning from what each of these nutrition experts are saying (and yes, Mark Wahlberg, is a nutrition expert).

The lessons that I recommend taking away are listed below.

  1. Base your day-to-day eating pattern on your hunger. If you are hungry, eat something. If you are not hungry, don’t eat.
  2. Understand that thinking about food, and hunger, are not the same. You are being blasted with advertising from every corner of your world telling you to buy, consume, eat. You aren’t (hopefully) going around buying shoes every time you see an ad for a cool style of shoes that are for sale, so don’t think you need to eat every time the image of something tasty pops you’re your mind.
  3. Be sure to stay well-hydrated, and drink calorie-free liquids, in order to avoid chronic dehydration (a condition that affects 70% of adults in America).
  4. Eating high sugar (high glycemic index) food before going to bed will not only make you feel famished in the morning, but will mess up your sleep pattern through the night.
  5. Eating something small that contains a little fat, a high portion of protein, and some complex carbs, before bed, will result in a better night sleep and will not make you hungry come morning time. Examples are peanut butter, hummus, nuts, yogurt with a tablespoon of honey, a glass of 2% or whole milk.
  6. If you are working out hard on a daily basis, you need to take in calorie-dense nutrients in order to continuously heal your body after the stress of hard exercise. This is best achieved through a consistent calorie intake throughout the day, beginning with healthy nutrition in the morning. Protein and complex carbs should make up the bulk of the calories you take in at mealtime, especially if you are involved with a hard fitness program. Simple carbs are only useful in supplying short-term energy early in a workout.
  7. For people with a low percentage of body fat and a large amount of lean mass, or muscle, who are maintaining a high level of activity throughout the day, you will do best with a steady regimen of healthy nutrition and a steady caloric intake, rather than an intermittent fasting regimen. For people following this kind of a program, there is no scientific benefit for planned periods of fasting where you resist the urge to eat.
  8. Stay hydrated! Neither of these guys spelled it out, but I’m certain that neither Mark Wahlberg nor Dr. Oz wants anyone to pass up drinking a glass of water whenever you feel the need.

And there’s the take-home message from DrQ.  Learn more about the Dietary Rebuild program here.

Want to learn more? Get Dr. Quebbemann’s latest books, available on Amazon:

Learn which S.L.I.M.M.S. Procedure is Right for You!

If you’ve finally lost those last stubborn pounds and want to celebrate your progress, what do you do? Do you throw a party and serve the same types of foods to your family and friends that caused you to gain weight in the first place? Or, do you introduce them to a new way of eating that is healthier, less taxing on the body, and undoubtedly pleasurable?

Make the most of all the tools, programs, and resources offered by Dr. Quebbemann.

If you’ve familiarized yourself with Dr. Q’s program, The Dietary Rebuild, you’ll likely choose the latter option because you know that certain types of food make your body prone to weight gain. If you lean toward the first option, it’s because most people don’t know better because their knowledge of food and healthy eating patterns are non-existent. Healthy living is a lifestyle choice, not something to be embraced and discarded once a certain number appears on the scale.

That’s why Dr. Q has revolutionized the way his patients think and behave around food. Below, learn more about the act of dietary rebuilding and why you need to do it. You’ll know precisely why it’s something that you want to make part of your life once you’ve learned about its benefits.

What is Dietary Rebuilding?

Dr. Q’s trademarked program, The Dietary Rebuild, has helped thousands of patients make better choices concerning what they eat after losing weight. The doctor learned that people arrive at a crossroads once they’ve shed the pounds they’ve wanted to lose.

They do not know what to eat or how much because they’ve experienced disordered eating most of their lives. By learning what works and what doesn’t for each patient’s body, he’s able to guide them to make long-lasting changes that help normalize their patterns of eating.

The Benefits of Rebuilding Your Patterns Around Food

The Dietary Rebuild program isn’t about dieting at all. It’s about changing your behavior concerning food. It involves creating new, healthier ways of eating that becomes your normal pattern of eating. Dr. Q focuses on rebuilding a patient’s baseline so that their habits around food normalize after instances of successful weight loss.

Too many people eat to lose weight and then struggle to maintain results because of their desire to eat more increases. They don’t know when to stop which is why men and women spend their lifetime yo-yo dieting. Due to the bio-individuality of each person, no one solution is the perfect ‘fix’ for weight gain.

Give Dr. Q a Chance to Help You Improve Your Health

As with any other change you’ve been brave enough to make in your life, permanent weight loss involves a commitment from you. If you’re ready to revolutionize the way that you eat and behave around food, contact Dr. Q today. Meeting with the doctor can provide you with the answers that you seek about developing a better relationship with food.

Call 949-722-7662 or email for more information. The day you decide to make changes in your life healthwise is the greatest day of your life. Let Dr. Q help you rebuild your thinking and actions around dietary issues with his advanced program today.

Want to learn more? Get Dr. Quebbemann’s latest books, available on Amazon:

Learn which S.L.I.M.M.S. Procedure is Right for You!