How not to slip back into your old habits and gain weight again.

If you’ve experienced a successful weight loss program and want to keep up the momentum, you’re in luck. Dr. Q has changed the lives of his patients for decades. Building upon your success, he helps you rebuild your diet so that it includes more of the foods that you enjoy and work well for your body. It also involves changing your patterns around eating so that you’re able to see continued success following bariatric surgery.

Rather than give you a full set of rules to follow, you have the freedom to explore what works best for you and your lifestyle. The result is to achieve your best weight. That’s how you’ll feel your healthiest and prevent future weight gain from occurring.

Dr. Q’s Dietary Rebuild Program has given his patients incredible success. Your New Normal Diet will teach you how to identify healthier eating habits and build upon those patterns. You’ll be able to learn how to navigate a variety of settings, too, so you know how to get through them successfully without overeating.

How to Increase Your Rate of Success

Some of the things that can help you in the meantime is aligning with people in your life who are supportive of your effort. Having a team that you can rely on to get you through hard times is imperative to your success. Along with Dr. Q, you need people who care about you and your health.

Another thing that you can do is celebrate your wins. Every change you make and challenge you to overcome is a success. It’s worthy of a pat on the back.

Coming up with a list of non-food-related rewards that you can give yourself can help motivate you to stay on track. Once you’ve identified the food patterns that work best for you, built a support team you can lean on, and came up with some incentives that involve healthy lifestyle habits as opposed to dining out or filling up on dessert, you’ll have the tools needed for continued weight loss success.

What If You Weren’t Happy With the Results That You Achieved

Dr. Q can also help you achieve the results that you need to thrive if you find that you didn’t lose as much weight as you originally hoped you would or regained some of the weight that you lost initially. Scheduling a consultation with the doctor helps you better understand how he can help you. He’ll take a look at your weight history, the surgical procedure that you had, the program that you followed, and the results that you received from the experience.

There is no sense in beating yourself up if you do experience weight gain again following bariatric surgery. It’s another chance for you to get things right. Dr. Q. gives you the time and attention that you deserve so that you’re able to experience better results the second time around. Call the N.E.W. Program at 949-722-7662 today to set up your initial consultation.

Want to learn more? Get Dr. Quebbemann’s latest books, available on Amazon:

Learn which S.L.I.M.M.S. Procedure is Right for You!

As a parent, you can contribute to their success.

Your teen is going to need a lot of support following bariatric surgery. In addition to requiring help from you physically, they’re also going to require mental and emotional assistance, too. Getting used to a new way of living and eating can be very challenging for adults, not to mention children. The more willing you are to provide your teen with the things they need following their surgery, the better able they are to keep the weight off for good.

Foster a Great Deal of Understanding in What Your Child is Going Through

Being understanding as your child transitions from the person they once were to the person they’re becoming is imperative as it adds to their success. The road isn’t always as smooth as you’d like it to be. Your teen will experience ups and downs.

The critical thing to remember is that being there for them helps them be more accepting of themselves and their new body. Offering a kind word of support does wonders for their self-esteem. It also helps them feel comfortable speaking about their challenges to you.

Assembling a team of supportive family members and friends also helps. Rallying behind your teen as they continue to do difficult things is integral to their mental health and wellbeing. When they know that they have people who care about their success, they feel more compelled to reach their goals for permanent weight loss.

Dr. Q Will Advise Your Child on What to Do to Successfully Heal After Surgery

Following Dr. Q’s instructions, post-op also adds to your teen’s success. Preparing foods that they can eat without great difficulty demonstrates your willingness to help your child reach their weight loss goals. Going with them when they exercise encourages them to stay on the right track no matter how difficult it may seem.

Doing things in alignment with the child tells them just how vital their weight loss goals are to you. Making time in your schedule to engage in healthy activities and to spend quality time together gives your teen a real advantage. They’ll feel the benefits of the support that you’ve provided to them as they venture on this journey.

Know That Your Teen May Put the Weight Back On

If there comes a time where your child starts to put weight back on, it’s time to change the approach to weight loss. Dr. Q has many programs that he can recommend. One may be the answer that your child needed to get laser-focused on the goals they set for themselves.

Schedule a Time for You and Your Teen to Speak to Dr. Q In Person

If you have any questions or concerns that you’d like Dr. Q to address, contact him right away. He may suggest scheduling a time for you and your child to come in to address your inquiry. That way, he’s able to give you the information you require to be a pillar of support for your teen as they recover from the weight loss surgery they underwent.

Want to learn more? Get Dr. Quebbemann’s latest books, available on Amazon:

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A healthier lifestyle requires a certain level of commitment from you.

If you want to experience real change in your life, you’ve got to be flexible with your approach. After all, nothing is static and weight loss is undoubtedly an example of this. You’ll have times of extreme success and setbacks. How you choose to approach each makes a difference in how well you’ll be able to achieve your goals.

Working with Dr. Q is an experience like no other. He doesn’t offer the same advice as other doctors would. Instead, he comes up with ways to help you understand your body’s needs so you can answer them in the best manner possible.

Some of the Best Ways to Stay Motivated Despite Facing Challenges

Here are five ways to keep yourself motivated while changing your eating habits:

  1. Know that you’re not alone. Many people put weight back on after having weight loss surgery. You’re not the first, and you won’t be the last. Take solace in knowing that you are never alone in your pursuit of greater health.
  2. Get other people invested in your success. It feels good to let other people in on what you’re up to. Choose who you share your progress with. Let them champion you.
  3. Learn to embrace change by seeing it as an adventure. To evolve as people, you must be willing to do things that you haven’t yet done. Instead of being fearful of change, see it as an opportunity to try something new. Although any weight loss program is work, it can be fun, too.
  4. Love yourself despite your shortcomings. There is no such thing as the perfect person. There isn’t an ideal diet. Take pride in knowing that you’ve tried even when you come up short. Your shortcomings don’t define you!
  5. Reinvent yourself as many times as needed to feel happy. It’s never too late to begin again. No rules are telling you how quickly you need to change. If you make mistakes, you can fix them as soon as you’re ready.

It’s hard to stay 100 percent motivated, 100 percent of the time. That’s what makes The Dietary Rebuild program so beneficial. It starts with the doctor helping lay down the foundation for good eating post-surgery. Then, working together, he helps you discover habits that are sustainable for you.

Achieving your goals becomes more likely when you know you’re not following a long list of restrictions. Instead, you focus your time and energy on the thing you can do so you’re able to be successful at losing weight once again. Rebuilding your habits to better meet your needs ensures that you’ll be able to stay at it long-term.

Change the Way You Think About Eating

There is no right or wrong way to diet. Each person is unique and has their own set of nutritional needs based on age, gender, size, health history, and activity level. Dietary restrictions further dictate what a person can or cannot eat. To think that one diet is appropriate for every single human on the planet is naïve. That’s why Dr. Q works with you to come up with eating habits that help you flourish.

Want to learn more? Get Dr. Quebbemann’s latest books, available on Amazon:

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Dear N.E.W. Program Clients,

From my first day in practice, patient safety has always been my focus and first priority. Throughout more than two decades, I have provided new and novel weight management protocols, and the most cutting edge and sophisticated surgical techniques, without ever losing my commitment to patient safety. This guiding principle will continue as we move into what is now the coronavirus era. I want to express my appreciation for your cooperation as my clinic implements new safety policies to protect the health of all our clients. I want to reiterate that the safety and health of surgical patients and weight loss clients is my Number 1 Priority.

Excess weight and obesity are health issues that put my patients at increased risk when dealing with this infectious disease. While many people in our society, including many physicians, believe that treatment for obesity is not a necessity, I have always disagreed. In fact, obesity puts more people (40% of the population) in the United States at risk for lung diseases such as coronavirus than does cigarette smoking (14%) and asthma (8%) combined! (data from the Centers for Disease Control) As a result, I understand that continuing to treat people for excess weight is a priority.

To provide a balanced approach that takes into consideration the new risk caused by the coronavirus, I have implemented the following policies.

  1. All new consultations will be performed using telephone conferencing or HIPAA-compliant internet-based technology (Zoom meeting).
  2. Pre-operative appointments will continue to be performed, but we will allow only one patient at a time in our clinic.
  3. Patients who are ill, that have a fever, or that live with other people that may be ill, cannot be seen in the clinic at this time.
  4. Beginning March 16th, all surgical procedures and in-clinic visits were placed “on hold” for three weeks.
  5. When surgery resumes in April, all surgery that can be performed as an outpatient will be performed at an outpatient surgery center, if possible, in order to avoid exposure to an environment where people with coronavirus are being treated.
  6. When hospitals with bariatric surgery Center of Excellence designations have implemented safety protocols that minimize risk to my patients, I will once again begin scheduling surgery at those hospitals.

Please understand that both your safety and your success are important to me and my staff. We will continue to update these policies as necessary.

It is a privilege to care for all our clients at The N.E.W. Program and we will do our absolute best to continue to provide the safest weight loss services available.



Brian Quebbemann, MD, FACS, FASMBS

Want to learn more? Get Dr. Quebbemann’s latest books, available on Amazon:

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Minimize scarring, so you’re less self-conscious about your body post-op.

Imagine having Gastric Sleeve surgery done and only having one incision hidden behind your belly button. How would it make you feel? Most surgeons in the state create five to seven incisions, if not more, to do the same surgery that Dr. Quebbemann does in one or two.  You’ll look and feel your best without fear that your scars will be visible for others to see.

You can wear a two-piece bathing suit or crop top without concern. Men can go shirtless at the beach without everyone knowing their business. Laparoscopic surgery needn’t be a tell-tale procedure. It can be private and discreet if you want it to be thanks to Dr. Q’s novel scar-less technique.

Giving you what you want is something that the distinguished surgeon is good at. He gets to know you and your unique needs so that he can offer you the best weight loss surgery options available. Then, when you’re sure that you’ve made your decision, he goes over what to expect the first few weeks post-op so you’re able to lose as much weight as possible.

Why Dr. Q is the Right Surgeon for You

The right surgeon can change your life. They can help you achieve your weight loss goals by providing you with options that meet your needs and lifestyle. Dr. Q has the type of experience you want in a weight loss doctor.

His ultimate goal is to help you achieve everything you’ve set out to do in your lifetime. If having a scar-less procedure done is what you want to do most, it’s completely understandable. Dr. Q brings his expertise to every patient that he helps.

Knowing that you’re in good hands makes surgery of this nature less daunting. You feel more assured about your decision.  You’re also able to trust the doctor to the right thing on your behalf because of how he made you feel at the time of your initial consultation.

Establishing a relationship with a professional like Dr. Q ensures that you have greater success throughout the entire duration of your journey. He doesn’t leave you to your own devices after having gastric bypass. Instead, your doctor has a vested interest in your future and well-being, which you’ll notice when he sees you for follow-up appointments.

Find Out If You’re a Good Candidate for Scar-Less Weight Loss Surgery

Take advantage of the skills of one of the best bariatric surgeons in the nation. Dr. Q embraces the latest technologies as he knows they can be very beneficial for his patients. Contact The NEW Program today to learn more about the procedure. Set up an appointment to see if you’ll be a good candidate for it.

Scar-Less Weight Loss Surgery has its advantages. You’ll also have access to one of the best surgeons in the country in case you have questions and concerns. Even if you notice that you’re putting weight back on after having your surgery, Dr. Q will help by introducing you to other programs that he specializes in, such as The Dietary Rebuild Program

Want to learn more? Get Dr. Quebbemann’s latest books, available on Amazon:

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