Correcting Complications

Complications can occur after any type of surgery. Most of the time, when a complication occurs, the surgeon has done everything correctly and yet something goes “wrong.”
When a complication occurs, you often need a highly experienced surgeon to evaluate your situation, identify the problem and then correct it, if possible.
Dr. Quebbemann has been seeing patients regarding many different types of bariatric complications for more than 22 years. He has evaluated highly complex surgical situations and often been able to intervene and correct the problem. A partial list of complication he’s evaluated and corrected is below.
- Incorrect Gastric Sleeve Anatomy
- Fistula after Gastric Bypass
- Erosion of the Lap-Band
- Lap-Band Slip
- Chronic Vomiting after Lap-Band
- Stricture after Gastric Bypass
- “Dilation” of Gastric Sleeve
- Hiatal Hernia after bariatric surgery
- Bleeding Ulcer after Bariatric Surgery
- Post-operative Malnutrition
- Chronic Vomiting
- Internal Hernia
At the time of your initial consultation, Dr. Quebbemann will review your surgical history, the symptoms that you have been suffering from, and perform a physical examination. He will order some basic laboratory testing do be done in order to assess your nutritional status. He will almost always order testing which will help define your current anatomy. Sometimes patients do not actually know exactly what their original surgical procedure was, and identification of the actual anatomy is very helpful in determining the cause of the complication.
The evaluation process includes;
- Initial Consultation
- Nutritional Evaluation
- Evaluate Your Anatomy as it is currently
- X-Ray testing
- Endoscopic Evaluation
- Second Consultation to discuss results and recommendations for correction
Dr. Quebbemann has been performing corrections and revisions for patients since 1997. The process involved in correcting complications is often not simple, and extensive training, experience and technical skill is needed. As one of the most experienced and skilled minimally invasive bariatric surgeons in America, patients struggling with complications can be comfortable knowing they are in good hands.